Our 5 Pillars of Transformation...
Physical Transformation
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We believe that in order for individuals, families, and communities to succeed, they must have access to water, food, shelter, sanitation, and healthcare.
We help the community build an adequate infrastructure which provides each individual with access to food, water (both purified and general use), clothing, shelter, sanitation, and healthcare. We help educate individuals in the best use of the resources around them to help meet these basic physical needs. Through our Homes of Hope program we have built over 25 homes for deserving families. Through or Food for Work program families have earned over 6,000 pounds of food (and counting!).
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Spiritual Transformation
We believe that lasting change can only take place when the whole person is changed, including an individual's Spiritual Transformation.
We believe that Spiritual Transformation moves people from the survival mentality to a serving mentality and from fear to faith. It changes the way people think, feel, live, and interact with each other, and changes the way they view the world, community, families, finances, and God. Spiritual Transformation is the process of helping people develop proper values, priorities, and expectations in the realty in which they live. In addition to this personal transformation, we have built four community churches over the last three years, and helped ten others finish their buildings.
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Educational Transformation
We believe in providing a better future for the current and next generation by supporting and/or building educational opportunities and infrastructure within the community. This includes our Schools of Hope, Pastor's Conference, and Community Training Programs.
Through our Schools of Hope program we have built four schools over the past two years.
Our schools serve as adult literacy centers and typically we have as many adults enrolled as children.
Social Transformation
We believe that the needs of the individual, family, and community can best be served when the community works together in harmony.
We assist in identifying and forming community leaders and setting community goals. We help the community to establish law and order and help them work together toward their common goals. We help preserve or reunite the family unit, and we teach community members to serve one another.
Economic Transformation
We believe that in order for the community to succeed there must be adequate sources of income.
We help the community build an economic infrastructure that creates jobs and sustainable livelihoods. We create micro-business for communities to manage together. We help communities develop cooperatives so that they can pool their crops and goods and sell them to end users. We teach biblical business principles so that the economic impact created by new businesses can continue to grow and succeed after they have been turned over to the community.