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Our Sponsorship Programs are the heartbeat of Transform Honduras as they play an essential role to the transformation of individuals, families, and entire communities. In order to change a country we must first change the communities within it. To change a community we must also change the way families and individuals view others, themselves and their situations. Through this individual change of heart and mind, communities will be transformed.




Family-to-Family Partnership, our family sponsorship program, is designed to partner a Honduran family with a sponsoring U.S. family. Through our Family-to-Family Partnership you can provide a Honduran family with a pathway of hope out of poverty and violence. With your help Transform Honduras provides families and communities access to drinking water, food, shelter, healthcare and education. We assist families in developing best health and hygiene practices. We coach families in interpersonal relationships and help them learn to interact with other families as well as provide spiritual guidance. We teach families to serve each other and those around them. We assist families in starting a micro-business to provide long-term economic stability. We also teach families how to preserve natural resources and protect the environment. This program has a proven track record of success. Through the Family-to-Family Partnership the family and community bond is strengthened helping to reduce and eliminate illegal immigration to the U.S., keep children out of the hands of child traffickers, help children and youth stay out of gangs, prostitution, and other criminal activity. Help Transform Honduras provide families and communities with a pathway of hope by joining our Family-to-Family Partnership.


Family-to-Family Partnership

How much is required to sponsor a family?

Family sponsorship requires a $169 monthly commitment.

How are families chosen?

Transform Honduras has established community transformation projects in many needy Honduran communities. We meet with each of the families to help them more clearly identify their challenges.   Families are chosen to participate in the sponsorship initiative after we have established a personal relationship and have completed an extensive analysis of the families challenges.  Next, we develop a strategy for helping the family recognize, address, and overcome these challenges based on our five-fold approach to community transformation.

Is this a handout?

Each sponsored family must agree to contribute at least 50 work hours per month toward community development projects. These work hours are monitored and recorded by an elected board of individuals within each community. It is important to our mission that each sponsored family feel that they have earned the help that they receive, while not taking away from hours they might put into starting their own business. Also, it is important to the community transformation project that families learn to work alongside their neighbors towards common community goals.

Why families and not just children?

While other organizations focus only on the children in a community, Transform Honduras focuses on serving the family unit. We have seen the life changing effects that transforming the entire family has, not only on the children, but on the entire community. We believe and have witnessed that helping families find ways to care for their children and others at risk produces long term results.

Where are the families located?

Transform Honduras serves communities in areas with the highest levels of poverty and need in Honduras, seeking to transform them into safe stable communities.

Will my sponsorship cause dependency?

Transform Honduras works diligently to ensure that families are helped and not hurt by our service and assistance. Each family’s success strategy comes with a corresponding exit strategy. We are personally present in the communities we serve to ensure we stay true to our mission.

How does Transform Honduras achieve transformation?

Transform Honduras works with each family and with the community in five key areas:

1. Physical: Facilitate access to water, food, shelter, healthcare and teach health and hygiene.

2. Social: Teach families how to interact with each other and the community.

3. Educational: Provide families access to basic education.

4. Spiritual: Share and show our faith.

5. Economic: Identify and build adequate sources of income

What long term social benefits are there in family sponsorship?

As families begin to succeed the positive effects are seen in many areas including:

  • Keeping young children from human traffickers.

  • Curbing illegal immigration to USA.

  • Keeping children from joining gangs, prostitution, and criminal activity.

  • Preservation of the family unit.

  • Providing a foundation for healthy communities.

  • Helping to preserve natural resources and the environment.

What types of assistance does Transform Honduras provide to families?

Transform Honduras provides access to drinking water, food, shelter, healthcare and education. We assist families in developing best health and hygiene practices.We coach families in interpersonal relationships and help them learn to interact with other families as well as provide spiritual guidance. We teach families to serve each other and those around them. We assist the family in starting a micro-business to provide long-term economic stability. We also teach families how to preserve natural resources and protect the environment.

How does Transform Honduras ensure my sponsorship reaches my sponsored family?

While most sponsorship organizations use third parties, agents, or representatives to administrate assistance, Transform Honduras works directly in the communities we serve. Our "boots on the ground" approach ensures assistance gets where its supposed to.

How long am I committed to give?

While there is no minimum time, we do ask sponsors to consider giving for at least 12 months. Family sponsorship for an individual family is typically for 36 months. Our goal is to provide each family with positive momentum while not creating dependency. We've proven that the 36 month model gives families the time they need to succeed and with close monitoring we can keep dependency from developing.

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© 2015 Transform Honduras, a 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization, New Horizons Foundation, Colorado Springs, CO, USA.

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