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Through our Community Sponsorship initiative you can provide a Honduran community with a pathway of hope out of poverty and violence. With your help, Transform Honduras provides communities access to drinking water, food, shelter, healthcare and education. We assist communities in developing best health and hygiene practices. We coach communities in interpersonal relationships and help them learn to interact with each other and other communities. We teach communities to serve each other and those around them. We assist communities in starting a micro-business to provide long-term economic stability. We also teach them how to preserve natural resources and protect the environment. This program has a proven track record of success. Through the Community Sponsorship initiative the family and community bond is strengthened helping to reduce and eliminate Illegal Immigration to the U.S., keep children out of the hands of child traffickers, help children and youth stay out of gangs, prostitution, and other criminal activity, and much more.


Las Piedronas


Loma Linda


Nueva Jutiapa


Las Brisas


Pueblo Nuevo



Transform Honduras is committed to helping families and communities transform physically. This includes providing an adequate shelter for families.


To this end, in 2010, we began an initiative to help families build homes. The families that we serve live in hutments and their shelters are built out of whatever materials they can scavenge. Qualifying families can now make the dream of home ownership a reality.


The homes we build are made of Adobe block. The machine you see to the left was donated in 2011. This machine makes over 200 adobe blocks (compressed earth blocks) per hour.


In order for a family to qualify for a home, they must currently live in one of the communities in which we have a transformation project, they must be living in an inadequate structure (lean-to, or hut), and they must contribute 2050 hours as a family in community service.


Many Honduran children attend school in structures that are not suitable for an effective learning environment, such as a thatched roof hut with no walls. In addition to this, many children are unable to attend public school because they have "aged-out". Honduran law does not allow children over the age of 8 to begin school (Kinder). They also need to have proper documentation, such as a birth certificate, to attend school. If a child is born in a home, the parents must apply and pay for the costly birth certificate given by the government.


As part of the Educational "pillar" in our Community Transformation initiative we want to provide the community with a schoolhouse so that children can prosper in their studies. In 2013, we began the School of Hope initiative and have been building schoolhouses to meet the needs of these impovrished communities.

© 2015 Transform Honduras, a 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization, New Horizons Foundation, Colorado Springs, CO, USA.

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